Can Ayurveda help women deal with PCOS/PCOD?

Can Ayurveda help women deal with PCOS/PCOD?

Did you know that in the year 2021, when Shark Tank, a reality show for aspiring entrepreneurs, came to India, nearly all the pitches for Ayurveda products won themselves a good investment? Why do you think this happened when we are so ahead in technology and conventional allopathic medicine? Is going back to our roots a solution for the abundance of lifestyle problems we face, especially among women?

Our health and wellness brand, Wholly Being, produces 100% natural and plant-based tea products without any added preservatives and delivers them straight to your homes. 

What is PCOS?

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) or Polycystic Ovarian Disorder (PCOD) is the hormonal imbalance in the body where the ovaries get enlarged, and there is an accumulation of cysts on its outer edges. PCOS /PCOD is one of the most prevalent causes of disease among young women of menstruating age. It is also attributed to the common causes of infertility and weight mismanagement in their body.

Studies suggest that one in five women (20%) are affected by the PCOS/PCOD condition in their reproductive age. It has become a common term worldwide, affecting multiple women, and we all know someone affected by it.

What happens in PCOS/PCOD?

PCOS is a group of symptoms concerning ovaries and ovulation. The latter is necessary, especially for women who want to conceive. In ovulation, the fertilised egg is released from the fallopian tube into the ovary, which can be fertilised by sperm. It is even necessary for a smooth menstrual cycle in women. 

It is called polycystic because of the formation of large amounts of cysts resulting in enlargement of ovaries leading to infertility

PCOS results in the ovaries producing higher than average amounts of androgens which causes

  •  Irregular or absence of menstrual cycles for months
  • Acne and dark spots
  • Excessive hair growth on the face
  • Heavy bleeding and thinning of scalp hair
  • Depression and mental health issues due to the bodily changes

Is PCOS/PCOD curable?

PCOS/PCOD is a hormonal syndrome that is too chronic in nature. Experts suggest there is no sure-shot cure for this, and only lifestyle changes can help keep it in check.

Ayurveda is one of the oldest healing techniques, dating back to 3000 years before today, using natural ingredients and elements. It includes the use of herbal medicines, mineral oils, the practice of yoga, and a set of life-changing alternatives in the form of therapies that targets a holistic development and treatment.

Since PCOS/PCOD and its treatment primarily focus on living a balanced life and following a healthy diet, Ayurveda is the best choice.

Instead of preferring complex medicines, people nowadays try to follow an Ayurvedic routine to keep them resilient and light. Most of the medications available on the market are too strong for the body as it plays with the hormonal composition, leading to nausea, headache, dizziness, etc. Whereas the treatment by Ayurveda is more organic and based on specific practices focused on daily life changes.

How can Ayurveda help women deal with PCOS/PCOD?

Ayurveda is not a medically proven treatment, but it can reduce problems by root and prevent them from occurring again. Many women who have suffered from PCOS / PCOD in the past have effectively been cured through adopting healthy practices and Ayurveda. 

Ayurveda can holistically help in recovering from the PCOD by use of various elements like –

Gokshura– With excellent antioxidant properties, Gokshura also provides for reduced blood sugar level and improves the hormone composition responsible for ovulation. 

Ashwagandha– Ashwagandha comes with a combined package to increase the stamina of the body, decrease anxiety, balance blood sugar, and improve sleep quality in the body. 

Cinnamon– A personal favourite among women who want to regulate their menstrual cycle is cinnamon sourced from the cinnamon tree. Generally, cinnamon sticks mixed with water are boiled and strained to drink, assisting in insulin resistance and weight loss. 

Turmeric- The curcumin in turmeric acts as an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory substance, boosting insulin resistance in the body. 

Tulsi– Eating tulsi leaves or mixing them with your tea helps the body reduce the excess amount of androgen, assisting women in dealing with acne and other skin problems.

Following an Ayurvedic diet:  

Women having condition of PCOS/PCOD are suggested to take specific precautionary steps toward their food habits for faster and better results. Some of the steps that can be taken are-

  • Women having PCOS/PCOD are suggested to avoid oily and junk food.
  •  Sugary foods and packaged items along with artificial sweeteners are highly harmful.
  • Reduce overall consumption of saturated fats
  • Moderation of food intake, especially sweet items
  • High salt intake has to be avoided at any cost.
  • Include more fruits, vegetables, and whole grains in the diet.
  • Herbs like methi seeds, cumin, and tulsi are very beneficial and can be added to tea, or regular water for consumption

Daily Exercise Rituals-

Practicing yoga can help reduce androgen production and is an excellent therapy for treating depression and anxiety in women. It is helpful in toning up the body and makes the body a healthy home for the mind to reside.

Some incredibly beneficial and well poses or asanas are Balasana(child pose), Dhanurasana(Bow Pose), Shavasana(Sleeping corpse pose), Ashtangasana(Butterfly pose), Naukasana(Boat Pose), and many more.

Combining yoga practices with brisk walking could help lose weight and help in dealing with PCOS/PCOD with minimal or no medicinal intervention.

Ayurveda is a widely recognized and highly considered form of medical treatment worldwide. Without using harmful chemicals and their addictive properties, Ayurveda encourages us to lead a healthy and beautiful life. The appreciation for nature and its healing abilities increases tenfold when we truly become a part of it, and Ayurveda is one such way. 

If you are looking for a blending of all Ayurvedic ingredients to get rid of PCOS/PCOD naturally, you cannot miss out on Wholly Being’s Cyst Control Tea.

The Cyst control tea has been specially curated with 100% natural Ayurvedic elements like Cinnamon, Gokhshura, Tulsi, Ashwagandha, Spearmint leaves, and Licorice root, Chaste berry, Flax seed, Fenugreek seed, and green tea. 

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